SnuQS A Quantum circuit simulator using storage devices.
SnuQS is a full-state simulation framework, SnuQS. It exploits storage devices, such as HDDs and NVMe SSDs, to enlarge the available main memory capacity at a small cost.
SnuQS uses an automatic circuit partitioning technique based on its qubit permutation and amplitude layout. Moreover, SnuQS prefetches amplitudes to overlap computation and I/O. SnuQS com- bines the circuit partitioning technique with the three-step qubit permutation to guarantee that the I/O operations are grouped in a contiguous block, and the block size is large enough to achieve high I/O bandwidth.
SnuQS also provides accompanying quantum benchmark applications: QFT, Grover’s search, Quantum teleportation, 8-cycle 49-qubit quantum supremacy circuit, 8-cycle 53-qubit sycamore circuit, Variational quantum eigensolver, Quantum phase estimation, quantum neural network, QAOA-MAXCUT, and QAOA-3SAT. Each of them is implemented in IBM qiskit and OpenQASM for portability.
Please use the citation below to reference SnuQS.
- [ICS] Daeyoung Park, Heehoon Kim, Jinpyo Kim, Taehyun Kim, and Jaejin Lee. SnuQS: Scaling Quantum Circuit Simulation using Storage Devices. to appear in ICS’22: Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Supercomputing, Virtual, June 2022.
If you would like to download the SnuQS user manual, please email us.
Daeyoung Park, Heehoon Kim, Jinpyo Kim and Jaejin Lee
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