
Thanh Tuan Dao (다오탄뚜안)
Thesis: Performance Modeling, Performance Tuning and Quantization for GPU Programs
Ph.D. August 2021
First job: Moreh, Inc.

Jungwon Kim (김정원)
Thesis: An OpenCL Framework for Heterogeneous Clusters
Ph.D. August 2013
First job: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Oak Ridge National Laboratory


Minhee Han (한민희)
Thesis: Reducing the Cost of Training a Transformer Model by Using a Trained Model
M.S. August 2022
First job: Creatz Inc.

Hyunjae Lim (임현재)
Thesis: Inference Method for Password Guessing Model with Tree Search
M.S. August 2021

Jeesoo Lee (이지수)
Thesis: Memory management technique for deep learning training with GPU
M.S. February 2021
First job: Moreh, Inc.

Jungwook Kim (김정욱)
Thesis: Optimizing ELF Binaries on NUMA Systems
M.S. August 2020
First job: TmaxSoft

Janghyun Son (손장현)
Thesis: A Semantic Segmentation Network and Synthesis Data Generation for Defects Detection
M.S. February 2020
First job: TmaxSoft

Hyungmo Kim (김형모)
Thesis: Library-level Distributed Processing Method for CNN Training Using GPU Clusters
M.S. February 2020
First job: Hyperconnect

PyeongSeok Oh (오평석)
Thesis: Collective Learning Techniques using Ensembles of Generators and Discriminators for GANs
M.S. August 2019
First job: CookApps

Jiyoung Park (박지영)
Thesis: FPGA Accelerator Design of Deep Reinforcement Learning Model for Playing Atari Games
M.S. February 2018
Moreh, Inc.

Jaeho Shin (신재호)
Thesis: Auto-Optimization of Image Processing Program using OpenCL Through Dynamic Work-load Distribution
M.S. February 2017
First job: SK Hynix

Jinho Pak (박진호)
Thesis: The Design and Implementation of UI for Architecture Simulator
M.S. February 2010
First job: NCsoft

Kwangseob Kim (김광섭)
Thesis: Optimization Techniques for Cycle-Accurate Instruction Set Simulator
M.S. February 2008
First job: LG Electronics

Seokho Choi (최석호)
Thesis: An Intermediate Representation for Preserving Source Level Information and Optimization
M.S. August 2005
First job: PANTECH

Kiwon Kwon (권기원)
M.S. February 2005
First job: Qualcomm Korea