Welcome to THUNDER Research Group

About Us
The THUNDER Research Group is a research group at Seoul National University. It belongs to both the Department of Computer Science and Engineering in the College of Engineering and the Department of Data Science in the Graduate School of Data Science.

Our Goal
Our goal is to overcome the programming wall and to accelerate large-scale applications by means of Deep Learning models and compiler, runtime, architecture, and operating system techniques at various levels taking pragmatic approaches.  It also includes a focus on Natural Language Processing from the perspective of Deep Learning. We emphasize pragmatic approaches to accelerate large-scale AI models’ training and inference and to reduce their size.

Research Topics
• Parallelization and Optimization of Deep Learning Frameworks
• Parallelization and Optimization of Large Language Models
• Programming Systems of Heterogeneous Machines (GPUs and FPGAs)
• Programming and Simulation Environments for Quantum Computing




이재진 교수 연구진, 딥러닝 SW 최적화 컴파일러 기술로 세계 선도

이재진 교수 연구진, 딥러닝 SW 최적화 컴파일러 기술로 세계 선도

이재진 교수 연구진이 구글∙엔비디아를 뛰어넘는 ‘딥 러닝 컴파일러 프레임워크’를 개발했다. 다양한 딥 러닝 모델을 지원하는 GPU 프로그램 생성기 개발 공개된 GPU 하드웨어 정보를 사용하여 자동으로 성능 최적화 연구진은 기존에 공개된 GPU 하드웨어 정보만을...

Startups by THUNDER Research Group alumni:


ManyCoreSoft (Deep Learning Systems)

Moreh Inc. (Deep Learning Compilers and Cloud Solutions)



Funding sources:

Ministry of Science and ICT (National Research Foundation of Korea)

Engineering Research Center (Center for Optimizing Hyperscale AI Models and Platforms)

Software Star Lab (CUDA Programming Environment for FPGA Clusters)

Creative Research Initiative (Center for Manycore Programming)

Ministry of Knowledge Economy

Samsung Electronics, Samsung Display, LG Electronics, SK Hynix, Hancom (한글과 컴퓨터), Moreh Inc. SK Telecom, Microsoft