"According to your faith will it be done to you", Matthew 9:29
Welcome to my virtual home!
My name is Changhee Jung, and I'm currently a Master student at
Seoul National University
working towards my bright(?) future in
Advanced Compiler Research Laboratory led by Prof.
Jaejin Lee.
My research interests include compilers and computer architectures for both high performance and embedded computing.
Recently, much of my research has focused on helper thread prefetching and adaptive execution techniques for modern multiprocessor architectures. These techniques target CMP(Chip Multi-Processor), SMT(Simultaneous Multi-Threading) multi-processor, and intelligent memory architectures.
If you're pressing need to contact me on a sudden,
e-mail is
usually the best way.
As of February 2005, I have left Seoul Nationl University, and I am now working at ETRI.
- Paper
Changhee Jung, Duk-Kyun Woo, Kanghee Kim and Sung-Soo Lim,
"Performance Characterization of Prelinking and Preloading for Embedded Systems",
To appear in
Proceedings of the 7th ACM & IEEE SIGBED Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT'07), Salzburg, Austria, October 2007.
Songah Chae, Doo-Hyun Kim, Changhee Jung, Duk-Kyun Woo, and Chaedeok Lim,
"Experimental Analysis on Time-Triggered Power Consumption Measurement with DVS-enabled Multiple Power Domain Platform",
Proceedings of the 5th IFIP Workshop on Software Technologies for Future Embedded & Ubiquitous Systems (SEUS'07), LNCS 4761, Santorini Island, Greece, May 2007. (Invited paper)
Changhee Jung, Daeseob Lim, Jaejin Lee, and Yan Solihin,
"Helper Thread Prefetching for Loosely-Coupled Multiprocessor Systems",
Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS'06), Rhodes Island, Greece, April 2006.
Changhee Jung, Daeseob Lim, Jaejin Lee, and SangYong Han,
"Adaptive Execution Techniques for SMT Multiprocessor Architectures",
Proceedings of the 10th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP'05), Chicago, Illinois, June 2005.
- Award
"Best Paper Award", for "Nano Esto: An IDE for USN Application Developers" at the 1st International Symposium and Domestic Conference on Embedded Engineering, Daegu, Korea, April 2006
(Selected as the best paper in embedded software session)
"Silver Prize", In the 11th Samsung Humantech Thesis Competition, Seoul, Korea, February 2005
I came to receive 5 million Korean Won, which is about $5000, from Samsung Electronics for the prize above.
(Selected as the best paper in computer system field)
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